6 September 2022

Big Collection: A letter from the Territorial Commander

Commissioner Anthony Cotterill

Someone putting money in a Salvation Army collection tin

A letter from the Territorial Commander, explaining why the Big Collection is needed now more than ever.

Dear Salvation Army family,

Greetings to you from London!

Every day, in communities across the territory, Salvation Army people strive towards our vision of ‘fullness of life for all with Jesus’. Thank you for being part of an Army that continues to put our faith into action by offering practical help for people without discrimination, sharing the good news of Jesus, standing up for those who are vulnerable, fighting against injustice and encouraging everyone to deepen their relationship with God.

There is still great need in our society, and people in poverty need that ever so vital hand up if they are to escape the poverty of body and soul for good. This vital work needs money. The Big Collection helps to ensure that The Salvation Army can continue supporting the most marginalised and vulnerable people in society.

This year, we are shining a light on the brilliant work that our chaplains do to reach the most marginalised in society. You may have seen in Salvationist our series of articles on how our chaplains represent The Salvation Army all over the country, from their work in our Lifehouses to their public presence on the streets. Our chaplains are a vital part of The Salvation Army’s mission work to reach out to all people and share the Christian message of faith, peace and hope to them.

Commissioner Anthony Cotterill in Salvation Army uniform

The past few years have been difficult, with many people still suffering loss from the pandemic and others struggling to manage their financial anxiety and reality, especially now with the rising cost of living crisis. Our chaplains are working hard to reach and support the most underprivileged in the community, delivering pastoral care. They would not be able to do this without your support and generosity.

The Big Collection is a way for your corps to support the work of The Salvation Army’s Social Work Trust, including helping to build up The Salvation Army’s presence in the UK through our chaplains, so that we can minister to more people in need. But the Big Collection is about more than just the money. The Big Collection gives us an opportunity to explain the integrated, holistic, God-given mission of The Salvation Army to people in our communities. This is important Kingdom-building work.

Thank you to all the devoted officers, members and volunteers who have given and will give time and effort to help fundraise for the Big Collection.

May God bless you, our communities and may he continue to bless his Army!


Anthony Cotterill

Commissioner Anthony Cotterill

Territorial Commander

Discover more

Fundraise for our social work in Lifehouses, care homes, day centres and safe houses.

Video and resources to support this year's appeal previously known as Big Collection

Fundraising materials for your corps or a project close to your heart.

Learn more about our vision and mission priorities.

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